09 August 2005

Here I am

So, here I am

Popped into this world where I can rant my thoughts. That be new to me, yes
Will anyon listen?
Does anyone care?
I most sertainly dont. If people dont like my thoughts, they are free to leave. If they do, then great minds think alike. Or something like that.

I have since long stopped caring for mankind itself.
I study man, I see all the errors, and hope they are smaller in me than my kindsmen.
and I hope man will learn from the mistakes some day. I never give up hope
Until then, I fight hard to keep respect for people arround me. Like even the smalles tad of respect for the fact that the walking bodies around me contains Life. Life is magical, that is worth respecting.
Then, when I get closer to them, I make a judgement in my head. Are they worth respecting? yes? no? perhaps?
if yes, they have my respect. If no they dont. Simple as that

respect is nothin one has a right to by birth. It is something one earn. or give freely. I do not need to respect everyone around me. In fact, I dont even need to be polite. It just makes my life more simple if I actually am.
So I am

well, cynical or not, here I am. For those of you who care about my thoughts, feel fre to read them.
Otherwize I suggest you dont waste your time and leave for someone less cynical and harsh than me


1 comment:

Kari "CoffeeQueen" Kristiansen said...

Good, another one that will just put her thoughts in a space where people is kinda themself *S*