16 June 2006


My husband joined me in the stables yesterday. I'm always happy when he wants to acompany me to take care of Nikita. So I was thinking of a normal day in the stables, hanging out arround the grass after grooming and such.

As I mix the bucket of apples, garlic (for insects) and a tad of water, he surprises me by asking "shall I go get horsie?"
I was thrilled! I got him the rope to use, and he went to get horsie. The most confused horse I ever saw came in some minutes later. like "that the hell? he doesnt get me normally, whats going on?"

Im so happy! I take this as a sign that he feels comfortable with my beloved Nikita! :D
I feel like this means he starts to feel comfortable around her, with her reactions and how to handle her, even if she is a tad spooked.

She got a bit spooked when he took her out, he told me, he dropped one of the gate-wires on the ground, and she found that freaky and was probably moving around alot, snoring in her nose and thinking that was creepy. But he handled that well, no horsie on the run, and no hubbie jumped or stepped on :D

*jumps around*

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