24 January 2006

It is odd..

..How things change all of a sudden for apparently no reason at all.

I got a horse, and got some new perspective of my life.
I got married before that swinging my life upside down, and still it feels like it was swung the right way.
Some friends have moved, and I seem to loose friends all the time. Other close friends are all of a sudden talking about major changes in their life. and Im always left out of the decitions itself, Im just informed "this will happen".
No wonder I feel neglected from some friends. I always thought friends talked to each other "im thinking about , what do you think of that?"
Rarely ever happends with the friends I have. I know only one, and she dont live here anymore.

As long as I have my husband, my cats and my horse, the rest can just buzz on as it likes.
My purpouse of life is no longer just doing everything and anything for my close ones without asking questions. Its about time I take care of myself for some time.
And I will.

We are also getting a honeymoon. Late honeymoon, but who cares? My mother-in-law and my sister-in-law was visiting this weekend. MIL asked us if we wanted to tag along as they were going to Hungary first week of July. They will pay for the flight, and the hotel including breakfast and dinner. Of course we would like to! We would have to keep pocketmoney for our self, naturally, and get to Stockholm and Arlanda airport ourselves. That wont be a problem. Even Hild offered to drive us down and take the car back for us, if all else failed.
We would also have to pay for one night in a hotel and pay for the train over to the hotel.
According to what I know of Hungary that will cost us about ... 50 bucks. plain robbery ;)
So perhaps we should put the saving for LCD monitors on hold until after the holiday? I would actually like pocketmoney more than an LCD monitor as we are to go abroad and all.
I will have to talk to my husband. And considering we're having the kids along with us, we wont go parying all the time, so I refuse to believe we will spend all we have saved up. If we dont, we can celebrate the summer by getting LCD's.
or prepare a bit better for upcoming xmas than we actually did this year.

Nikita is showing great improvements now. I've started klick training her, like they do with dogs. After that she learned I dislike her wawing her baklegs all around all the time. I want her to keep her hindlegs on the ground. She was very fast to "jump around" when she didnt approve of the brushing. Problem is.. all brushing wasnt approved of, since she has no routine of being brushed every day. So I gently told her "I dont care, since you are going to get brushed every day no matter what you say, so you might as well yeald."
So she has yealded.
Same thing with the blankets. She didnt fancy them at all. But she has learned, the blankets come on weather she likes it or not, so she might as well just cope with it.

Things have improved a lot as I say.
Yesterday she eaven searched contact with me after I put her out again. She stayed close to the gate, leaning over to sniff at me and get a cuddle. Optimist me looks at that as a very positive thing :)

Mu husband had a minor operation yesterday. He had a cyste under the skin on his head. Nothing dangerous, just a lump of fat, but it was hurting and getting in the way so he wanted it removed.
Turned out it was bigger than expected, and this volcano bursted during the operation as well, so that of course hurt a lot. And they had to dig really a lot to get it all out, so he had 7 stitches. So, on sick leave the rest of this week in order to get the pain under control and get some sleep when he can, and when it doesnt hurt that much. Of course, if all is well he will go to work earlier.
The stitches will be removed early february

also had a chat with a friend of mine. She has had some rough times lately, just needed to talk to someone. Was nice talking to her again, I hope she can visit soon.

so, the clock is ticking to 9pm, I will head for bed in a short time and read a good book, while drinking some thea. My hubby is working on a database for my MP3s. Nice to have now that i have formatted my old disk so there is no music what so ever left. I need to insert some music again, on my EXT3 disk this time, so I can play music again! I miss music! AARGH!

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